About us
Selectchemie is committed to a more sustainable nutrition and pharmaceutical industry. Find out more about our approach to meet the challenges of our business, the guiding principles we are committed to and our sustainability measures.

Over the last 3 years we have been able to continuously improve our sustainability efforts to rank in the 64th percentile in our industry in 2024.

At our company, we understand the challenges of sustainability and are dedicated to finding innovative solutions to ensure safe, ethical and sustainable business practices wherever possible.
Markus Kunze
Director QM & RA
Our approach
Selectchemie is committed to a more sustainable nutrition and pharmaceutical industry. One of the biggest challenges to achieving this goal is our globally connected supply chain. We know that we cannot solve this challenge alone and therefore rely on close cooperation with our trading partners.
Our guiding principles
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
We are committed to the UN SDGs and our actions contribute to their achievement. Through our activities in the areas of generic pharmaceuticals and food, we contribute to the supply of high-quality and affordable pharmaceutical products and food (Goals 3 and 10). Our highly progressive working conditions create safe and good jobs (Goal 8), and our focus on our supply chain promotes responsible value creation (Goal 12). More info »
UN Global Compact
We are committed to the principles of the UN Global Compact and implement these ten guidelines within our internal company activities. More info »
Global Reporting Initiative GRI
We are guided by the GRI criteria in all sustainability issues and thus both assess the current status of our actions and define our goals based on them. More info »
Our measures
To ensure safe, ethical and sustainable business practices, we have implemented various measures in the areas of environment, corporate governance, employees, products, supply chain and others. In order to continue to improve continuously, we have set further short and medium-term goals and planned measures in line with the UN SDGs.